Well, I made back from my vacation in Myanmar. And I would have to say, it was a reality check.
Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have what we have in the United States of America. Poverty is just terrible in Myanmar, all over the country. And after the storm hit in April, it's even worse. People still don't have water or electricity and it has been almost two weeks since the storm. The government does not care if the people die because there is a over population. Different countries send supplies and the government holds them and takes what they wanted first. It is just terrible there, but I keep going back because my wife's family is from there.
The west coast beach was destroyed by waves and bodies were laying all over the fields, rotting from the heat. The capital city of Myanmar (Yangon) which is over 100 miles away was destroyed by the winds. All the trees had been blown over and downed all the power lines. I don't think they will be able to fix the power until maybe next year. And no water, many people use river and lake water by boiling it to kill the germs. There are bodies rotting in the rivers and lakes.
(Enough of the horror stories)
I was in Yangon for (water festival)New Years, which goes on the second week of April. It was so much fun, I will be going next year for sure.
When the storm hit I was in the middle of the Country, Bagan and Mandalay. There are temples over 1100 years old and just amazing to look at. Bagan has approx. 7,000 temples. Being a photographer, I shot over 1,000 still photos and around 4 hours of video.
Also my wife Nu Nu was reunited with her daughter that she has not seen in 5-6 years.
If for any reason you think that things are not going good or you don't like were you live. Take a trip to Myanmar, after 2-3 weeks over there you will be begging to come back and appreciate what you have here in America.
Here are just a few shots that I took on my trip. If you would like to see more, just send me a email and I can email you more.
Thank you for reading and "GOD BLESS AMERICA"