" What is so great about Web Sites "
This will be my last post for the week because I am like posted out.
I would like to talk about web sites and why they are beneficial.
At this time I have four web sites and I am working on a new one. I have three Real Estate web sites and one match-making site. Two of my web sites were built by web designers that were not very good and or inexperienced. These sites will have to be reworked, http://www.new-commercial-properties.com/ and http://www.newasianmates.com/
The last site that I had built was done by a lady from Park City Utah and she is very knowledgeable and did a very good job, http://www.vegasbuildingsforsale.com/.
I also have a site on vacant properties around Lakes, Rivers, Mountains, Etc, http://www.lakeowner.com/. And one for High-rise Luxury Condos, http://www.vegashighrisevistas.com/
What makes web sites so great? Web sites can be viewed from all over the world, and when you post blogs they attach to all of your sites. Creating their own search engines. I use to spend so much money on mail outs, etc. and have found the web to be the Future of communication.
The latest site I am having built will be on photography. Reason being, I have 30 years experience in photography and hundreds of thousands of photos. My site will have a shopping cart where customers can purchase my photos, etc. The site will be called Photography by Robert G Swetz Jr. Building this site will get people to know me better and connect me through my others sites which will bring business.
I am also working on the purchase of a small commercial building where I can display my Art, photography and other Artist's work.
story and photo by: Robert Swetz
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