Saturday, August 2, 2008

Must see photograph of old Temples built between 850-1120

This photograph is only showing 6 different temples out of 7,000 that were built in Bagan Myanmar (Burma). Early (circa 850-1120), Middle (circa 1100 -1170) and Late (circa 1170-1300).

On vacation in Bagan I spent 5 days and 4 nights shooting approximately 500 different photographs. From sunsets, sunrises, pics of temples (inside and out), statues, etc, I still didn't have enough time to capture all of Bagan.

To me, Bagan is one of the most amazing places on Earth and I will be visiting there quite often in the future. We would get up early mornings and wait until sunrise and look across the country side from the top of huge temples taking in the beauty. While looking across the horizon of Bagan because there are so many thousands of temples, they looked like ant hills.

I will be following this post at a later time in the future with some more breathtaking photographs of sunrises & sunsets, and many more temples.

Bagan Myanmar (Burma) 4-16-2008 photo taken by: Robert Swetz

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!

Robert Swetz

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